Wednesday 15 May 2013

The start of something new

I've given myself the task to give Primark a new image.

So first things first.... the LOGO.

I've chosen to start with the logo as it is the main thing which represents a brand.

Their current logo is smooth and simple, but I think it looks a bit boring.

I tested out different fonts to try and find something more appealing.

I quite liked using a dotted font, however didn't like the look of the letters so I used the font style I liked and converted it into a dotted font by drawing out the circles.

'K22 Spotty Face'
'Yellow Peas Demo'

Using Adobe Illustrator, I scanned in the image and perfected the dots in my font so each dot was even and to ensure all the letters were the same size in order for the logo to look more professional rather than being hand drawn.

New Logo in original Primark colour.

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